A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee by Chris Van Dusen - Teaching Ideas

I L*O*V*E this book! It is written in rhyme, so it is really fun to read. The pictures are AH..MAZING, I can spend a long time just studying the pictures, and I think Mr. Magee looks like my husband, so it makes me smile :)

With that said, if you have not read this book, it is a must! It is a silly adventure of Mr. Magee taking his dog Dee to the mountains to go camping. There is a bag of marshmallows, a bear and a waterfall all involved in Mr. Magee and Dee's camping adventure! Hmm, if your curiosity is peaked, I hope you find this book and add it to your classroom library, I am sure you will love it as much as I do!

If you have this book here are some reading skill and strategy questions and ideas that might inspire a lesson.

Reading level: 3.0
Theme: Camping, Adventure
Genre: Adventure Fiction

Suggested Vocabulary: spree, hitched, Rambler, brook, knolls, coals, embers, dozy, snitch, hitch, shimmying, rapids, quiver, ledge, stranded, bank, rank dismay

Reading skills and strategies:
  • asking questions - {possible questions at before} What is a camping spree? Where will they camp? {possible questions during} Why did they leave the marshmallow's out? Why did the bear go under the hitch and not over it? How come Mr. Magee didn't wake up while they were rolling down the hill? How come their trailer didn't sink in the water? Will Mr. Magee and Dee fall down the waterfall? How will they get off the waterfall? {possible questions after} Why did they end up camping in their backyard?
  • author's point of view - 3rd person point of view
  • author's purpose - entertain{evidence} The story is written in rhyme. The bear pulled the trailer out of the stream and the trailer rolled all the way down the hill and landed right next to the car. All these things make for a silly entertaining story.
  • beginning, middle, end - {most important event from beginning} Mr. Magee and Dee set out to go camping. {most important event from middle} As the bear was looking for marshmallows he unhitched the trailer from the car and made Mr. Magee and Dee roll into a stream. {most important event from end} The bear pulled the trailer out of the river and let it go so it rolled down the hill and landed next to the car. They drove home and camped in their backyard.
  • cause and effect - Why did Mr. Magee load up the camper? because he was getting ready for a camping trip. Why will Dee love camping? because the views are fantastic, there is no one around, the air is sweet and he will sleep like a log. Why did Dee gather pine cones? so they could start a campfire. Why did the bear come to their camp spot? because they left the marshmallows out and the bear could smell the sweet treat. Why did the car and trailer become unhitched? because the bear went under the hitch. How come Mr. Magee and Dee did not fall down the waterfall? because there was a rock that blocked them. Why did the bear pull the trailer out of the water? because he thought the ball on the end of the trailer hitch was a marshmallow. Why did Mr. Magee and Dee go home? because they thought it might be safer to camp at home.
  • connections - {possible text-to-self connections} Going camping. Having a trailer. Seeing a bear. Having a dog. Roasting marshmallows.
  • drawing conclusions & inferencing - How do you think Mr. Magee feels about camping by the end of the story? {text clues} Mr. Magee and Dee rolled down a hill, landed in a stream and hung over a waterfall because of a bear. {what I know} If my trailer were knocked by a bear and I rolled down a hill and hung over a waterfall I would be scared. {my conclusion} I think that Mr. Magee still likes camping but only where there are no bears.
  • plot - the turning point or climax in the story was when the bear pulled them out of the water and they rolled down the hill and landed next to their car. After that they decided to go home and camp in the back yard.
  • predict - Will Dee love camping? Do you think the bear is going to cause a problem? What will it be? Do you think they will go over the waterfall? How will they get out of the stream and away from the waterfall? Where do you think they are going to go now that the car is hitched up again?
  • sequencing - Mr. Magee and Dee hitch up the trailer and go camping. They stop in the perfect spot. They roast marshmallows. Dee and Mr. Magee go to bed. A bear comes and unhitches the trailer and car. The car rolls one way and the trailer rolls the other way. The trailer, Mr. Magee and Dee land in the stream. The bear thinks the trailer hitch is a marshmallow so he pulls the trailer out of the stream. The trailer rolls away again. The trailer lands right next to the car. Mr. Magee hitches up the car and heads home. Mr. Magee and Dee camp in the backyard. 
  • story elements- list title, author, character's, setting, beginning, middle, end, or problem & solution.
Here is a free inferencing activity for you and your students, just click the image.

Comprehension Game
48 true false comprehension and story element questions.
1 spinner
1 game board



Rhyming Game
1 game board
48 rhyme cards
1 rhyming sheet (for students to check the rhyming words)


**Printing tip - Make sure under SIZE OPTIONS you chose "ACTUAL SIZE"**

I hope you find something useful!

Happy reading!


  1. I love this author! Right now, all of his books are on my Amazon Wish List! They are just so stinkin' cute! Thank you so much for spotlighting this book! I smiled all the way through the post!
    Peace, Love, and First Grade

    1. Thanks Laura! Like you, my wish list is filled with the rest of the books too :)
      Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  2. I was so excited I forgot to thank you for the freebie! I'm on my way to check out your other games now!!
    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  3. Thanks for the freebie Shawna! I love the format of this blog...so different, yet so great...looking at the book from the teacher's point of view! It is now listed on my blog list and I'm a follower! I'm off to your TPT store to check out the game too!

    Nikki "An Uncommon to the Core Teacher"

    1. Hi Nikki,
      Thanks for following and all the great comments. I hope you find some fun and useful activities here!

  4. Thanks for sharing this! I love that book. It's on Tumblebooks, so I usually share it with my kids on my white board. This will be fun to put in a station! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower!


    1. Hi Megan,
      Thanks for stopping by and following! I am so glad to hear you share this book with your kids, I bet they just love the book!

  5. Haha! Just sent this link to someone else! Sorry for the crazy link up.

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  6. How have I missed your blog! I love it. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Cindy,
      Glad you found me. I hope you find some useful activities and ideas to help you and your kiddos!

  7. Wow! What a great blog! I will definitely be visiting your blog during the school year for ideas!

    Thanks for following my blog!

    I'm your newest follower. :)

    Second Grade with The Teacher Wears Prada

    1. Hi Nesli,
      Thanks for following! I hope you find some fun stuff here for you and your students!

  8. How have I missed this blog? It is fantastic! I have been thinking about doing a little camping theme so this will be a perfect book to use.
    Thanks for visiting and following my blog.
    Still Teaching After All These Years

    1. Hi Carol,
      If you do a camping theme then this books is a must, I guarantee you will love it!!

  9. Hi Shawna,

    I am thrilled to find your blog. What a WONDERFUL resource! I am your newest follower.

    First Grade Schoolhouse
