Inspiration and a Currently

For my inspiration this week, it is the incredible Winter Holidays Teaching Tips and Freebies eBooks available on TpT. There are 4 books available depending on your grade Pk-K, 1-2, 3-6 and 7-12.

Addie Williams from

Rachel Lynette from

Krissy Miner from
Mrs. Miner's Kindergarten Monkey Business

worked so hard to pull it all together, thank you so much for your time and effort.

If you have not downloaded yours yet, you absolutely must, it is filled with many great teaching tips and ideas as well as a whole host of freebie items to make your December fun and educational!

It is truly INSPIRING how so many in the teaching community continue to support one another with time, tips, and products!

Now, on to the December Currently...I haven't done one in many many months.

Thanks to Farley at

we get to check in and keep up with all our favorite blogs and blogging buddies.
So here is my December Currently!

Reruns of Gilmore many of you have seen this show? I love it, my girls love it and we enjoy watching it together.

Yesterday was raining here in Southern CA but we got our lights up anyway. Now my house is beautiful and it makes me happy to come home in the evening!

Since I am an out of work teacher, I sub when I can, and since there are 700 pink slipped teachers ahead of me getting jobs, it is not easy. But this next week I am working all but 1 day...Yippee for ME!

I draw almost all my own graphics and using a mouse is super hard...though I am getting better. I am excited to get a stylus in hopes that it makes things easier for me.

My sweet little puppy chewed the zipper on my Baretrap boots, so now I don't have anything to keep my feet toasty warm and dry. A great Christmas list item!

RAK my neighbor called me yesterday...she is 87 as is her husband. She has had bronchitis for the past week, so while I was at the grocery store I bought her some goodies I thought they could use so they don't have to go out, especially since it has been raining here.

Happy Holidays!


  1. I just downloaded the winter tips and freebies! Crazy Ka-Wink-E-Dink how so many of us are connected despite geographical limitations.

    Rock Stars At Work

    1. Hey Amanda,
      It sure is! I find fun new blogs everyday...yours included :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. As Farley would say: I puffy heart Gilmore Girls. They are so funny and I love all the pop culture references.
    Enjoy your sub jobs!


    1. Hey Emily,
      Yes, Gilmore Girls is the best...a little Gilmore Girl trivia, the writers would need to write twice as much dialogue for that show than any other hour show because of speed of the talking. I definitely will enjoy my sub jobs...I know all the classes and kids so it will be fun :)

  3. It is so important to remember to take care of our neighbors. Sometimes I feel like we get so busy that we never see the folks right next door. Thanks for the reminder!
    Funky First Grade Fun

    1. Hi Kimberly,
      Yes, it is amazing how even living right next door to someone you can rarely see or talk to. I try to check in with a few of my neighbors every week.

  4. LOVE Gilmore Girls. I just love how Lorelei and Rory talk to each other! Fantastic. Have you seen the new "Bunheads" show? It reminds me a lot of GG and even has several of the same people.


    1. Hey Courtney,
      My daughter is working her way to points, so yes, we watch Bunheads and love it! It is from the creators of Gilmore Girls so of course it is good :) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. My family loves the Gilmore Girls too!
    What a nice neighbor you are to look out for them that way!
    Love your blog too!

  6. I love what you did for RAK. My hubby and I delivered poinsettias to two of our neighbors last night. I just found your blog through the link up and I'm now following you.

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County
