The Best and Brightest of 2012

Thank you Bunting, Book's, and Bainbridge for hosting such a great party!

2012 was my first full year of blogging and though my numbers are growing ever so slowly I am enjoying every moment of it.

I have learned SO much, like: (some) HTML, how to use Photoshop (enough to get by), how to schedule Facebook and Pinterest posts, PowerPoint is much better for creating products than Word, and how to be a better teacher because of all of the blogs I follow.

I have also realized that I need to be better at something. See, I am the type of girl that stands in the back of the crowd and observes, I am not one to bring attention to myself, but will engage in conversation freely when I am comfortable. I need to leave more comments, I love comments and get very few, but when I stepped back, I realized that I myself don't leave many comments. I need to assert myself into this great blogging world/party and engage in conversations with you. I do however try to respond to EVERY comment left to me, because I feel like that is a very important part of blogging.

I have stayed true to my original idea for my blog, reviewing picture books. Since I do not have a classroom but believe wholeheartedly that picture books can and should be used for more than just reading aloud, I have created my blog to help you make your read alouds more meaningful. I hope the information I provide has helped you in some small way prepare, create, or teach a successful lesson. 

I owe a BIG thanks to Charity and Teaching Blog Traffic School for guiding my way through all of this. She has helped me to not concentrate on the numbers but to look at the whole. When I look at the whole I feel much better about my content, how I have progressed and where I am going. She also accepted me as a Classroom Freebies Too contributor which has helped my growth, and creativity.

A HUGE accomplishment. I have just recently been contacted by an online publisher to review a book...they contacted me! I will be reviewing the book Unplugged Ella Gets her Family Back and having a book giveaway! I am so excited, so stay tuned...
Unplugged: Ella Gets Her Family Back

My goals for 2013 are as follows:
*find some bloggers I can go to with questions, ideas and help
*keep the friendships I have formed through blogging, alive and well.
*start a newsletter.
*and grow!

So here is my BEST (according to the numbers):

Best blog post: A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon.

Best freebie: Author's Purpose Posters

Best product sold: Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett

Best Inspirational post: The post about student created books.

Best Thumbs up Thumbs down post: This post's thumbs up was when my daughter shaved her head with my mom to support her and to bring awareness to Breast Cancer.

Here are a few of the blogs that I look forward to reading everyday.
The Corner on Character

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

The Tutor House

The Tutor House

There are many more blogs that I love, just check out my blog roll, but I didn't want this post to go on and on and on and on...

Farewell 2012, hello 2013!


  1. I love books and I love your awesome blog!! I am your newest follower!

    Kathy O
    Third Grade Doodles

    1. Hi Kathy,
      Thanks for visiting and becoming a friend! I have been a follower of yours for a while, I really enjoy your blog :) Enjoy the rest of your break!!

  2. I can't wait for your book review & giveaway!

    & how amazing of your daughter to show her support for BCA and shave her head?! Sending love & prayers for your mom. God Bless :)

    1. Hi Mrs. M,
      I am very excited about the new book and giveaway too! My daughter is amazing, I don't think when I was 18 I would have been confident enough to shave my head. Thank you for the love and prayers, they are received with open arms!
      Enjoy the rest of your break!

  3. I love your blog. You create great questions for the picture books. I appreciate all that you share and I look forward to each and every review. Thank you.

    1. Hi Fancy Nancy,
      Thank you for your comment, you have made me very happy :) I have a huge stack of books waiting for me so I hope there will be lots for you to peruse. Enjoy the rest of your break!

  4. Thanks so much for linking up! I loved reading your list and can't wait to check out your blog some more!

    *Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*

    1. Hi Christina,
      Thank you so much for having this great linky. It really made me stop and think about my blog and what I am doing. I have concluded that I am very happy with where I am headed :)
      Enjoy the rest of your break!

  5. I understand what you mean by loving comments....I check many times a day just in case someone has commented or I have a to see if anyone else is following. I was excited when your name showed up as a follower. I love your blog, partly because I love picture books and mostly because you are both talented and kind. I look forward to getting to know you better in the coming year.

    Terri Izatt
