Thuumbs up Thumbs down Linky Party!

Now is your chance to join in the fun!
A few rules:
1. Thumbs up: great information, great people, great ideas, great posts, great events - please no products. I don't want this to turn into an advertising post.
2. Thumbs down: disappointments, bummers, what?, are you kidding me?, umm?, why? - please keep the insults and ugliness away.
3. As always, spread the love and comment on the two before you.
4. Use the above graphic in your post. Use the thumbs up and thumbs down graphics if you want.

Be sure to link back your actual blog post.

thurmbs upthumbs down

Thumbs up to a great Academy Award show!

Thumbs down to February going by so fast! Where did the time go? I can't believe it is already March which means school is almost over!

Have fun!

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