Another Thursday, another Thumbs up Thumbs down post. Read here for the back story of why I started this.

Thumbs up to the Southern California Meet Up happening this month! Katie, over at Teacher to the Core had meet up envy so she decided to plan one in her area, which just happens to include ME! This will be my first meet up and I am so very excited. So, if you are a So. Cal resident, head on over, fill out the form and join the party!
Once you sign up, head on over to Second Grade Sparkle and join the linky party!
Thumbs up to the great post Hope King did (from 2nd grade Shenanigans) called Give Me A...BEAK! Her kids had a blast trying to pick up and break open food that birds would eat using only tools and instruments that resembled bird beaks. I would have loved to be in Hope's class on that day...how fun!
Yearn to Learn has a Thumbs up art project called Whimsical Tree Art. They turned out awesome! You should go on over and take a look.
If you are starting to get ready for test prep then you don't want to miss what Mor shared on her blog A Teacher's Treasure. The blog post is called Test Prep Workshop and she goes over everything she did to make - the oh so boring - test prep fun and moving! This is a definite Thumbs up post that may give you some great ideas!
Thumbs up to Amanda over at A Very Curious Class and her post about their Family Math Night. It looks like a great time was had by all...I love it!!

Thumbs down to stores that don't ever call for a back up person to the registers when there is a long line. Last week I was in line with 1 person in front of me with a pile of clothes, and about 6 people behind me...one person ringing. When I finally asked for her to call someone else to the register she said there was no one, even though there were about 4 people roaming the floor...are you kidding me?
Thumbs down to the nasty accident I had...it doesn't look too bad does it? Just kidding, my daughter was practicing her make up skills :) She is getting pretty good, if I do say so myself!
Your turn!
Thanks for the shout out Shawna! Math night was great :) Your daughter's make up skills are amazing!
A Very Curious Class
Hey Amanda,
ReplyDeleteI love family nights, we are having family science night next week!
Enjoy your weekend!