I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont - Teaching Ideas

This is a wonderful book about liking who you are and what you look like no matter what everyone else might think of you.

This book offers so many great character lessons, it is definitely a must have for any library.

I have created an "I Like Myself" writing activity to go along with the book, but there is so much more you can do.

Listed below are the reading skills, strategies and ideas you can use to create a great lesson.

Reading level: 1.8
Theme/subject: self-esteem
Genre: general fiction

Suggested Vocabulary/phrases: protruding, knobby knees, warts, snout, tame
Reading skills and strategies:
  • Asking questions - {possible questions before} I wonder what the story is about. I wonder what she is like.  {possible questions during} I wonder why she likes herself so much. {possible questions after} I wonder if she will feel that way when she gets bigger/older. **Remember to have your students answer/reflect their questions.
  • Author's point of view – Third. Be sure to find 3 pieces of evidence to support this.
  • Author's purpose – entertain {evidence} The main character looks very silly. The illustrator drew some crazy pictures. The story is written in rhyme. All of this makes a very entertaining story.
  • Classify & categorize – you: things you like, how you look
  • Compare & contrast – you and someone else.
  • Connections - {possible text-to-self connections} all the different things you like about yourself.
  • Drawing conclusions & inferencing – The girl likes the way she looks now but do you think she will like the way she looks when she gets a little bit older. {text clues} She looks very young. She likes everything about herself {what I know} I know that most teenagers usually don’t like the way they look. I know that teenagers can be mean sometimes to other kids that look a little different. {my conclusion}  I think she will always like the way she looks even if others start to tease her.
  • Main idea & details - {main idea} The story is mainly about a girl who likes who she is. {details} She doesn’t care if anyone calls her a silly nut or a crazy cuckoo bird. She would still like herself with knobby knees and polka-dot lips.
  • Theme – there is only one of you and you should like who you are. It doesn’t matter what people think about you, you should like who you are.

Happy Reading!


  1. I just love your posts, your reviews, and your willingness to always share!

    Sending springtime smiles,


  2. I love this book! My students find the pictures hilarious :)

    Great blog!

    Apples, Ink and Mischief

    1. Yes, the illustration definitely make the book!
      Have fun!

  3. My pleasure. It is such a fun book with great illustrations. Have fun with it!!
