One of Each by Mary Ann Hoberman - Teaching Ideas

Oliver Tolliver loved his life. He had a cozy home and one of each of everything, just for him. Oliver was so happy with what he had he decided to invite someone over to see his home. When Miss Peggoty Small came to see his home she was not all that impressed. Oliver could not understand why she did not think it the most perfect home. She  explained to him that it was perfect for one, but not for more than one. Where was she to sit? How could she enjoy a cup of tea when there was only one tea cup? Oliver realized that having just one of each meant he could not have friends over. Oliver decided to fix this problem, he went and bought two of everything. Now Oliver has friends over and they are all happy and comfortable as they share his two of everything.

Listed below are the reading skills and strategies that you could use to create and fantastic lesson, or you could use the FREE classify and categorize page I made to go along with it. Students will classify quantities by categorizing things that come in one's or in two's.

Reading level: 2.5
Theme/subject: sharing, friends
Genre: general fiction

Suggested Vocabulary/phrases: tumbledown, delight, collection, trouser, bureau, dreary, cavorted, accord

Reading skills and strategies:
  • Asking questions - {possible questions before} I wonder what one of each is. {possible questions during}  I wonder why Oliver thinks one is the best. {possible questions after}  I wonder if Oliver will buy more than 2 things now than he has more than one friend. **Remember to have your students answer/reflect their questions.
  • Author's point of view – Third. Be sure to find 3 pieces of evidence to support this.
  • Author's purpose - entertain {evidence} the story is written in rhyme. Animals don’t wear clothes or live in houses. This all makes an entertaining story.
  • Beginning, middle, end - {most important event from beginning} Oliver lived in one little house. {most important event from middle} Oliver invited a friend to see his things. {most important event from end} Oliver decided he needed more than one so he could have more than one friend over.
  • Cause and effect – Why did Oliver have one of each? Because there was only one of him. Why did Oliver invite Peggoty Small over? Because he wanted to show off his stuff.  How come Peggoty did not think one of each was good? Because there was no room for one more. Why did Oliver rush out the door?  Because he had to go buy one more. Why was Peggoty so happy when she came back over to Oliver’s house? Because Oliver made his house cozy for two. How come Oliver cut up all his fruit? So he could share it with more than one person.
  • Character analysis - describe Oliver {looks like, feelings, thoughts, character}
  • Character changes – In the beginning Oliver thought one of each was the best. Everything was just perfect for him. At the end of the story Oliver decided that he needed more than just one so he could invite friends over.
  • Classify & categorize – Classify quantities: things that come as one and things that come in twos.
  • Compare & contrast – compare things you can do by yourself and things that you need more than one person to do.
  • Connections - {possible text-to-self connections} having one of something. Needing more of something so you can have friends come over.
  • Drawing conclusions & inferencing – Do you think Oliver will buy more than one now that he has more than one friend?  {text clues} Oliver liked having more friends over. {what I know} It is better when there is enough for everyone. {my conclusion} I think Oliver will now buy more than 2 things so he can have all his friends over at one time.
  • Main idea & details - {main idea} The story is mainly about Oliver and his house.  {details} Oliver had one of everything. Oliver invited Peggoty over to see his house. Oliver decided to buy more stuff so he can have more friends.
  • Plot - the turning point or climax in the story was when Peggoty came over and told Oliver it wasn’t suited for two.
  • Predict – What do you think the story will be about? What do you think Peggoty will think of Oliver’s house? How do you think Oliver will respond to what Peggoty said about his house? How will Peggoty respond to Oliver’s house now? What do you think Oliver’s idea was?
  • Problem & solution - {problem} Oliver only had one of each. {solution} Olive bought more so he could invite more than one friend over.
  • Story elements - list title, author, characters, setting, beginning, middle, end, or problem & solution.
  • Theme – It is important to make sure your friends area comfortable when they come to your house. It is better to have two of each, that way each person gets their own.

Happy Reading!


  1. I love this book! And what a great review- thanks so much. Now I want to go read it to the class tomorrow.
    The Meek Moose

  2. This looks like a great book. Thanks for the outline as well.

    Charlene/Diamond Mom
