Five for Friday Link up!

It is Friday again...already, yikes (remember when we couldn't wait til Friday, now we get sad that it is Friday?)!!

Time to link up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for the Five for Friday Linky Par-tay!

I have had a busy week with lots of stuff going on, but only one of which had to do with school/blog/TpT. Oh well, it is summer so a little extra fun time is allowed!

Here goes my week in a snapshot.
I spent Monday morning at the surgery center with my daughter. She had a tonsillectomy by an a$$ of a doctor but that is another story for another day. Anyway, she looks very chipper in this picture because all the meds were still working nicely. Today she looks and feels miserable. The say days 3-8 are the worst so it is 4 down, 4 more to go. 

 Tuesday I went shopping with my mom and my other daughter. I have a wedding to go to on Saturday, with absolutely nothing to wear, probably because I HATE shopping! Thankfully, it was a very successful trip and I had fun! I got a dress for the wedding and Madison found some clothes for her senior pictures.The dress is so cute, I am very excited about it!!

 Wednesday night I finished the Reading Skills and Strategies packet for Officer Buckle and Gloria. I had been working on it on and off for a week and I was glad to get it finished and uploaded.

Wednesday afternoon I took Madison to her senior pictures. She had a very cute conservative coral blouse for the senior portrait and got pictures done wearing her cap. For her third change of clothes she had a really pretty skirt and tank and wore her point shoes. The photographer was so great with her and thinking of some wonderful poses with her shoes on and off, I can't wait to see the proofs!!

Thursday morning I woke up to blue skies! Every morning I wake up and look out my bathroom window (the picture below) and normally, at least for the month of June, we get June gloom. Everyone that lives in Southern California knows what I am talking about, gray, gloomy, depressing summer weather. I am hoping that this blue sky is a sign that our June gloom is over and our summer weather, from sunrise to sunset is here.
 Well that's it, overall it was a great week! Looking forward to see what next week has in store for me :)

Enjoy your weekend!!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my site! I am excited to check out your materials on tpt. I am sorry your daughter had to do deal with having her tonsils out and a not so great doctor on top of that. I had a similar type situation with an oral surgeon last year, ugh! Enjoy the sunshine! We are finally experiencing summer here. We had 15 inches of snow in one day early May, yuck!

  2. Hi Shawna I just found your blog through Five for Friday. I hope your daughter has a speedy recovery. I had tonsilitis quite frequently as a kid, but never ended up having them taken out. So happy I found your blog, I'm always looking for great resources on mentor texts.

