Plus or Minus 1 or 10 Game - A Tutoring Activity

Once again, I was looking for a way for my tutor kids to practice +- 1 and +-10 and to have fun while doing it. I came up with this fun game.

Students draw a card and then spin the spinner to determine if they are making their number plus 1, minus 1 or finding a number that is equal. The plus 10 minus 10 game is played exactly the same way.

Once the new number is figured out they find it on their side of the game board and mark the number. Play continues till the first person covers all their numbers, or, if time is up before numbers are covered, the person with the most covered is the winner. Included is also a recording sheet to make students accountable for their game.

My tutor kids loved it, and soon got the hang of what plus one minus one (or plus ten, minus10) meant in terms of the number that was drawn.

The preview below shows everything that is included in the game.
You can pick this game up from either one of my stores.

Happy Counting!


  1. I love the games!! I think my kids would have a great time playing them!

    1. Thanks Kelley, my kids love playing them :)

  2. You are absolutely taking your profession by heart. And that's great to hear! Learning comes smoothly when one's mind is relaxed. And as for kids, they tend to remember more the lessons they learned while having fun.
