I Made It! #2

Here is my barn wood privacy wall. Again, I am in L.O.V.E. with how this turned out!

Last summer I bought some 80 year old barn wood and this summer we finally got around to putting this together.

I really wanted to hang candles from it, and initially thought abut mason jars, but I didn't want to have to deal with emptying them if it rained. So, instead I used food cans that I spray painted fun colors. I also punched holes in all the cans so the candle light would shine through. Here is what some of the cans look like. I can tell you, this was the hardest part of the project!!

To hang all the cans I decided on a door knob theme. I had so much fun antiquing with my mom finding all sorts of door knobs for this project. As you can see below I have an assortment - 3 knobs with the strike plates still in tact, 2 crystal knobs (hanging from meat hooks - I love the juxtaposition) and 5 little green flower door pulls.

Here is a picture of my privacy wall and menu board! I just love how it is all turning out! I have a few more projects to get done and then my backyard will be all done!


I am linking up with Tara from 4th Grad Frolics: Made it Monday June 8th edition! Head on over and check out all the other cool ideas.

Happy Summer!!

1 comment

  1. I absolutely love your menu board and privacy wall! We just moved into our new house, so I have been working to create an inviting backyard. I have been collecting colorful lanterns to hang from the trees and am planning to paint one wall with chalkboard paint. I love the idea of making part of it a menu board.
    The Traveling Teacher
