Top 10 Books for February - Friends and Friendship

This month I decided to look at friendships. I wanted to find books that showed the ups and downs, adventures and everyday fun that friends could have together. Most of the books I chose have multiple books with those characters, making the friendship even more enjoyable. A couple I picked were one time stories, but great friendships never the less. And finally, I picked a few nonfiction books about animals that have become friends.

Please let us know if there are any other books that have great friendships.

Happy reading!


  1. Yay for friends! My favorite reason for February ... well, that and my husband and son both have birthdays at the end of the month. LOVE your list ... and have most of them ... Trudy's new book is a treasure and has totally earned its place on your wonderful list! Hope all's well; sending smiles from the south.


    1. February is a little bitter sweet for me, my mom's birthday is the 7th, she would have been 62. I picked friends not only because February is the perfect month for it, but because my friends have been so important to me as of late. I wanted to celebrate those friendships. Thanks for the smiles, I needed them!

    2. Oh, Shawna, birthdays are so hard once our loved ones have passed away. She left you way too soon, my friend. I'm praying for peace in the pain. Her legacy lives on with you and yours!

      Be blessed,


  2. Honored to have The Invisible Boy included in your top picks for books on friendship!

    1. And I am honored to have you leave a comment. Your book is absolutely wonderful, thank you for writing such a story!

  3. I love your book lists - always look forward to reading them.
