As intervention teacher I had a group I met with for math content intervention. I started with place value and rounding and quickly realized that they did not remember how to round, at all.
I had to quickly figure out what to do because verbal directions and explanations was not working. That night I came up with a hands on activity that really worked.
These are the number cards (in white) for the rounding board and the rounding numbers (colored numbers).

This is the rounding board.

Place the rounding number under the number line and place the 10 numbers with the “5” number in the middle. Students will slide the rounding number to the side of the number line that it falls on.

After the rounding number is on the correct side of the number line students will then slide the rounding number and the rounded 10 to the bottom of the rounding board.

Completed rounding.

When students work on the worksheets they can use the board (as long as you put it in a page protector) with a white board marker.

Hands on Rounding in action!

This hands on activity was just what my students needed. You can pick this up from either one of my stores.

Not sure if this is still something you need, check out the infographic below.


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