Top 10 Books for July – All about Character

This past week Barbara Gruener from The Corner on Character visited my state. I met up with her in San Diego, along with Kim from Finding JOY in 6th Grade (not pictured) and Lisa from Growing Firsties (on the right). I had a great time visiting with these ladies and getting to know them a little better.
Barbara was in town for a conference on Character so she signed me up to be her guest. I must say that Barbara is truly inspiring and an amazing presenter. She was kind enough to give me a signed copy of her book What’s Under Your Cape? and I have to say the book is a must read!!

So this month I decided to base my Top 10 list on the 11 character traits Barbara talks about in her book. Throughout the book Barbara offers book suggestions to go along with each trait as well as ideas, lessons, activities, raps or songs, and stories. I have listed different books than the ones she uses in her book to give more of a variety and selection. I hope you enjoy the list and find some new books to help build your character library.
Barbara this list is dedicated to you and your wonderful book!

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Happy Reading!


  1. I can NOT believe it took me three days to find this BeAuTiFuL tribute ... I am honored and touched beyond belief. Thank you, Shawna! It was such a blast to meet you and hang out. I trust that there are BIG things in store for you, my friend.

    Be blessed as you bless!


  2. What an amazing post! It was so fabulous meeting you!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes Lisa, it was a great dinner visiting with you and Kim and Barbara. Hopefully we will cross paths in Vegas!

  3. OMG thank you for the listing of books to read to my kiddos. This is such a big boost to my journey as a SUPER HERO. You just made my mind race. Thank you
