All I want for Christmas is a... TpT Gift Certificate!

Is your family at a loss as to what to get you for Christmas? Do you have a wish list in TpT full of items that will make the rest of your year less stressful? Do you need help coming up with a really great activity for your next lesson? If you answered yes to one or all of these then you are in luck! I am just one of the many bloggers that is participating in this great link up/giveaway thought up by Laura Candler from Corkboard Connections.

TpT Gift Certificate Logo

To win a $10 TpT Gift Certificate from me, enter using the Rafflecopter below. Giveaway ends at midnight on December 23rd, 2014. I will email the winner on Wednesday, December 24, 2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To visit all the other teacher bloggers participating in this very fun giveaway follow the links below. Each blogger linked below is having their own $10 giveaway...that is a lot of TpT money being given away!

An InLinkz Link-up

Merry Christmas and good luck!

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