11 YouTube Read Alouds for the First Weeks of School

Well, it is that time of year again. Back to school. Some of you have started already, some of you still have a bit of summer left. Either way, give yourself a little break in your day and use YouTube to do your read alouds. It is especially great if you don’t happen to have the book, but really want your students to hear the story. I have found 11 books that are perfect for the first couple of weeks of school. You do have other choices for most of the stories but I have picked the ones that I would and have used in my own classroom. 

Know and Follow Rules by Cheri J. Meiners M.Ed. is a great little story to introduce what rules are and why we have them at school.

This School Year Will be the Best by Kay Winters. Kimberly Cuyler does a great job reading this book. She uses different voices for all the different characters. 

The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neil is read by Lisette Andreani. She reads loud and clear with great voice and expression.

First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg read by The Teacher’s Library is always a fun and surprising book for the students.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Marc Teague is read by Skolander who looks and talks like a real cowboy. Your students will get a real kick out this read aloud!

The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn is read by The Storyline Online. This read aloud includes some forest sound effects that add a special touch.

Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes is from Read Aloud Pages by Mrs. Sage. This reading is loud and clear with some voice and expression. 

Miss Nelson is Missing by Harry Allard. This reading is actually a cartoon animation of the book. It is wonderful and will fully engage your students.

Teacher from the Black Lagoon is also an animated story book. Why not get thing started off right with this fun and “scary” book. 

Chicka Chick Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. read by Nick Bailey is the book put into song. So fun!

David Goes to School by David Shannon read by Simicrane is a no brainer. You just have to read this book, the kids love it and in this read aloud there are different voices and some fun sound and visual effects.

I hope you and most especially your students enjoy these fun read alouds!

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