Can't You Sleep Little Bear? by Martin Waddell - Teaching Ideas

There is just something so sweet about a story with bears, especially little bears, and this book is no exception. In this story Little Bear cannot sleep because it is too dark. Big Bear gets Little Bear a tiny lantern, then a bigger lantern and then the biggest lantern of all. But unfortunately for Little Bear none of these lanterns are lighting up the cave enough for him to fall asleep. It is the big dark outside that is really scaring him, so, Big Bear takes Little Bear in his arms and takes him to the dark outside. Little Bear is really scared until they are greeted by the big, bright, yellow moon. As they look at how the moon lights everything up, Little Bear falls fast asleep, right in Big Bears arms. When Big Bear gets back to the cave, he doesn't put Little Bear to bed, he holds him close while he finishes his book. Both Big Bear and Little Bear sleep safely together all night long!
Awe, so sweet!
Here is a list of reading skills, strategies and ideas you can use to create a wonderful lesson using this book.
At the bottom you will find a summarizing freebie I created to go with the book.

Reading level: 3.5
Theme/subject: confronting fears, family
Genre: fiction

Suggested Vocabulary/phrases: lantern, settled in, padding over, grunted, puzzled

Reading skills and strategies:
  • Asking questions - {possible questions before} I wonder what the story is going to be about. I wonder why the little bear cannot sleep. {possible questions during} I wonder why Little Bear is so afraid of the dark. I wonder when there will be enough light for him to fall asleep. {possible questions after} I wonder if he will need all the lanterns every night. **Remember to have your students answer/reflect their questions.
  • Author's point of view – Third person. Be sure to find 3 pieces of evidence to support this.
  • Author's purpose – entertain {evidence} Bears shouldn’t be afraid of the dark. Bears don’t read books or sleep in beds. All these things made a fun entertaining book.
  • Beginning, middle, end - {most important event from beginning} Little bear was afraid of the dark. {most important event from middle} Big Bear got lanterns out so Little Bear wouldn’t be in the dark. {most important event from end} Little Bear fell asleep in Big Bear’s arms.
  • Cause and effect – Why did Big Bear have to go get lanterns? Because Little Bear was afraid of the dark. Why couldn’t Little Bear fall asleep? Because he was surrounded by darkness. Why did Big Bear take Little Bear outside the cave? Because he wanted to show Little Bear the great big moon.
  • Character analysis - describe Big Bear. Describe Little Bear {looks like, feelings, thoughts, character}
  • Compare & contrast – Big Bear and Little Bear.
  • Connections - {possible text-to-self connections} Being afraid of the dark. Needing a little light on when you try to go to sleep. Falling asleep in somebodies arms.
  • Main idea & details - {main idea} Little Bear cannot sleep because he is afraid of the dark. {details} Big Bear takes out a a small lantern for Little Bear. Big Bear takes out a large lantern and hangs it over Little Bear’s bed so he can sleep. Big Bear takes Little Bear out to see the moon.
  • Plot - the turning point or climax in the story is when Little Bear falls asleep in Big Bears arms while they are looking at the big bright moon.
  • Predict – What do you think the story will be about. Why do you think Little Bear cannot sleep? Do you think Little Bear will fall asleep? Do you think the little lantern will be enough light to help Little Bear fall asleep? Do you think the bigger lantern will be enough light for Little Bear to fall asleep? Do you think the biggest lantern will be enough light for Little Bear to fall asleep? What do you think Big Bear will show Little Bear out in the dark outside?
  • Problem & solution - {problem} Little Bear couldn’t sleep because he was afraid of the dark. {solution} Big Bear brought Little Bear to the dark outside to show him how the big, yellow moon lights things up. This helped Little Bear fall asleep.
  • Sequencing – Big Bear and Little Bear played out in the bright sunlight. At night Big Bear put Little Bear to bed. Little Bear couldn’t sleep because it was too dark. Big Bear took out the tiniest lantern for Little Bear. Little Bear still couldn’t sleep so Big Bear pulled out a bigger lantern. It was still too dark for Little Bear so Big Bear brought out the biggest lantern. Little Bear was still afraid of the dark outside. Big Bear took Little Bear to the dark outside. They looked at the bright yellow moon. Little Bear fell asleep in Big Bear’s arms. Big Bear finished his book with Little Bear in his arms.
  • Story elements - list title, author, characters, setting, beginning, middle, end, or problem & solution.
  • Strong thought – There was never enough light for Little Bear to fall asleep. What would you tell Little Bear to make him not be so afraid of the dark? 
  • Summarize - {someone} Big Bear {wanted} wanted Little Bear to go to sleep {but} but Little Bear was afraid of the dark {so} so Big Bear got out lanterns to make the cave lighter. Little Bear {finally} finally fell asleep.

Happy Reading!


  1. Hi Shawna,

    I just love this book! I always anticipate the laughter from my students when they notice that little bear is romping around in his bed. Thanks so much for the ideas and freebies!

    First Grade Schoolhouse

    1. Hi Mona,
      Thanks. This is really such a cute book and that little bear is so adorable!
      Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. I've always loved this book. It was a favorite of my son when he was little. Thank you so much for sharing. Doreen

    1. Hi Doreen,
      Thanks for the comment. I am glad it is a book you have, I wasn't sure how many people had it.
      Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  3. Hi! I just found your blog through "Square Cat's" post on Facebook! I am also your newest follower. :)
    Feel free to visit my little blog sometime.

    ~ Lisa
    Teaching Kindergarten Kiddos

    1. Welcome Lisa, thanks for becoming a friend.

  4. It's quite impressive. Love this book too!
