Inspiration - It's Your Turn To Inspire

This is Kayla's classroom after a devastating fire destroyed everything. 
Kayla, aka The High-Tech Teacher from Slick Tricks for Grade Six. Kayla taught 6th grade in the portable. She lost everything. 

Her friends, parents and staff has helped out some, but now it is our turn.
Your donation will provide Mrs. Schenkelberg with a gift card she can use toward her next classroom project.

Teacher: Mrs. Schenkelberg

My students attend an inner-city school in Nebraska. We are a Title I school with over 80 percent of the students receiving free or reduced rate lunch. Around half of the students speak a language other than English at home: either Spanish, Somali, Arabic, or a variety of others. Despite their lack of resources, these students love learning and want to be engaged learners. They are so interested in reading new and exciting books and when they get the chance, it's hard to get them to stop reading! These students are some of the most caring I've come by: respectfully holding doors and consistently using good manners. Our school works diligently to promote high standards for character and our students respond well. Please consider helping my students and my classroom. It would mean so much to us!
Help Mrs. Schenkelberg
Your donation will provide Mrs. Schenkelberg with a gift card she can use toward her next classroom project.
If you donate BEFORE Monday and type INSPIRE - how fitting!- your donation will be doubled!!
 Thanks for being such an inspiration!


  1. Shawna- Thank you so much for the shout out and donation. All of the support my class has gotten for the past few weeks means SO much to me and my students. My class will be excited to learn that another friend- who has never even met any of us- cares deeply enough to help. This whole experience has been a great lesson in character- and it has really helped us see what wonderful and thoughtful actions people are capable of. Thanks again!

    1. Kayla, you are so welcome. I can't even imagine losing everything in my classroom, let alone all my books. I hope others are inspired to come help you and your students.
      Have a great week!
